Areas of Therapeutic Work

There is a sense in which trying to separate one area of therapeutic work from another can feel quite artificial. On the other hand, I appreciate that if you are suffering in a particular way it might be helpful to know whether or not a therapist can help with that particular experience. Person-centred therapists can help with the following experiences (as well as others that are not listed here):

  • anxiety
  • depression
  • personal development
  • self-harm
  • suicidality
  • trauma and PTSD
  • anger
  • stress
  • feelings around addiction
  • bereavement and grief
  • experiences of discrimination and oppression
  • exploration of sexuality and coming out
  • exploration of gender identity
  • relationship difficulty
  • loneliness
  • feelings of being lost or uncertain
  • self-awareness and self-development
  • death and mortality
  • spirituality